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The next Black Dollar Day is April 20th, 2021! Why haven't you joined? Aren't you tired yet?

By Phabulous Phabulous

Firstly, let me say that The Black Dollar Days Initiative is not for me, about me, nor is it my day. It is for us. If you don't know what Black Dollar Days are visit or join the Pwordandpolititcs " Chop It Up Wednesdays" live on Facebook at 6 pm today and every Wednesday. If you can not join us, look at the video later. I am a little pissed, ya'll know that I am real! I am really pissed!

The Black Dollar Days Initiative was initially formed in 2016. Myself and my team thought that it was not the right time to initiate The Black Dollar Days Initiative. We had listened to some very bad advice from some very prominent people. Let me tell you what they these black people said about other black people. " It won't work because Black people don't stick together." "They don't even care about their own communities." It's never worked before and it will never work." "Black people just don't care." And honestly, we considered some of those things. Black people talk about each other all the time, as do people of other races and cultures. The difference is, other races and cultures do not share the experiences of black people. Other races and cultures don't have to worry about being stopped and a traffic light and murdered by the police. Other races and cultures don't have to be worried about their voting rights being smashed by the Republican fools that call themselves legislators.

So, in 2020, we decided to launch The Black Dollar Days Initiative because the time was right. No one was doing what needed to be done to ensure that after 600 years of oppression that black and brown people would have a seat at the table of the legislators who make the decisions that we live by. And have the necessary leverage to do so. Some of the strategies of the Black Dollar Day Initiative have proven to work. Remember the Montgomery Bus Boycott? If you don't Google it.

This blog is very short today, for a reason. I would rather talk to you about it at 6pm or whenever you can view the video. Sometimes it takes a face to face.

The Black Dollar Days Initiative is all inclusive. Everyone who desires can participate. This is why you should join and or register your business. And it's free.

Get the Picture? We must, we can and we will be successful in getting what we demand! We must do this together!

If we don't, blood will be on our hands also.


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