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What Would You do if Karen, Barbeque Becky, Permit Patty, Cornerstone Caroline or Restaurant Bob App

Upon viewing some of the outrageous behavior where white people are calling the police on black people for no reason, I had the craziest thought! What would you do if someone in their racist stupidity approached me? Since this is a weekly blog, I thought that I would ask you the same thing. I'm sure that your response may be different than mine. Let's see.

Well, let me tell ya a bit about me. There is Phabulous Phabulous, the entertaining and Phabulous author, blog writer, and disc jockey. Then there is Faye... the elegant, professional (I am those things anyway) paralegal, entertaining voice over artist, host, event planner, mom etc.

And, then there is Faynita. Let me give you a little history on Faynita. My Legal name...what's on my birth certificate is Faye...middle name Nita. My mom did not know that on my birth certificate my name is Faye...middle name Nita. So, she called me what was supposed to be on my birth certificate, Faynita.

Honey Chile, I have been trying to get my mom to call me Faye for years. To which she replied " your name is Faynita. I birthed you, that's your name)!" To which I respond, " Yes ma'am" and go on about my business. I don't even begin to argue with my mom. You know, not like some of the youngsters today, who like to disrespect their parents. I would be afraid of a shoe flying across the room, or a pot, or whatever she would get her hands on! But unlike the others, Faynita is the crazy Bitch! Don't be offended if I call myself a Bitch. As long as you don't!

So, back to Karen, Becky, Patty, Caroline, Bob and the like. If one of the Karen's approached me and called the police on me, I would call the police, right there on the spot, and report them. Then, I would say to myself, Faye, just chill. I would wait for a couple of minutes, and I do mean a couple (like two).

For those two minutes, I would be listening to the content of their racial slurs. You know what they say, " nigger", "thug", "lowlife", "go back where you came from". Those kind of things. While muttering to myself...okay Faye, don't do it! Don't let Faynita out! Pleeeeeaaaaassssseeee! After those two minutes, there she would be, in all of her grandiosity. Faynita would be on the loose and all Karens and Bob's would be in trouble.

White caller crime, which it is, should be an arrest-able offense. More than less, if a policeman or woman responds, it puts a black person's life at risk. Since Agent Orange took office, for some reason racists have come out of the woodwork en masse. That doesn't mean that it has not been a reality. Agent Orange incited them to come out of the closet and show their pointy hats.

Over the past few years, false reports to the police about black people engaged in everyday activities have been bombarding the media. And hopefully in the contagiousness of Amerikkkan society. Existing while black is already hard enough. We live with racism daily from sunrise to sunset and sometimes in our sleep. We have no choice. We can't change the color of our skin.

Not only does "racialized police communication" make us quite uncomfortable, is embarrassing, unnecessary...and put's our lives at risk. Let's be clear. When these types of call are made to police about supposed, uncomfortable, suspicious behavior, the caller knows exactly what they are doing. (i.e.) the white woman who called the police on the black man while bird watching in the park). She stated that she was going to tell the police that an "African American" male was threatening her. She knew that they would believe what she was saying.

If a black person responds negatively, there may be repercussions when the police arrive despite being totally innocent. Or there may be mob action taken by other white's in the same area. Fortunately, in some cases, others have intervened when these situations arise. So, I ask again...what would you do?

So, on to black dollar days! Black Dollar Days will kick off in January of 2021. We have no choice!

Black Dollar Days is Financial Protest. You ask...well Phabulous Phabulous...what are black dollar days. Financial protest is using money as leverage to negotiate what you want or need. In this instance, the cause that we are addressing for resolution is the murdering of unarmed black men and women at the hands of police and others. And more recently the lynching of black people. While we will be addressing other issues, this is the most important and prevalent.

In Amerikkka, corporations Own the government. The government funds the states. The states fund the cities. ( police) Point black period. Corporations understand two things....MONEY AND POWER.

If blacks take their money out of the hands of corporations, the corporations will listen to our demands and respond accordingly. Additionally, on those days ( and hopefully everyday) we will buy only from black owned businesses. IMAGINE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF WE DIDN'T SHOP AT WALMART ON THOSE DAYS!

Our first BDD will be in January, then each week for an undetermined amount of time. Our financial protests will continue until we get, what we worked for free for 500 years. And the equal opportunities that we are entitled to in this country that we were brought to forcefully.

Let's get busy!

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